Wastewater Collection and Management

Fuss & O’Neill supports municipalities with their wastewater collection and management systems’ needs by providing analysis, design, and construction of new systems and system upgrades throughout New England.
Fuss & O’Neill specializes in unique and comprehensive design solutions ranging from decentralized management to conventional collection and treatment systems. Our experience includes directional drilling, pipe jacking, micro-metering, and flow isolation techniques. Our pragmatic approach focuses on developing long-term, cost-effective sustainable programs for infiltration and inflow (I/I) abatement and collection system maintenance. We have performed non-destructive transient analyses of high-head force mains in critical applications and developed mitigating measures to extend service life and avoid pipe failure.
To be respectful of our clients’ budgets, we organize larger plans into manageable optimization projects that meet regulatory goals, assist our clients with funding opportunities, and help establish regulations to better manage wastewater infrastructure.