Decentralized Wastewater Treatment

Fuss & O’Neill provides septic, innovative/alternative, and decentralized treatment and dispersal system engineering services for communities, businesses, educational facilities, healthcare facilities, camp sites, and other public and private clients for whom cost-effective conveyance to a wastewater treatment plant is not an option. These projects facilitate neighborhood improvements, recharge groundwater systems, meet community planning and development goals, reduce operation and maintenance costs, and save our clients money when centralized sewering is infeasible.
Fuss & O’Neill’s wastewater engineers create new systems and upgrade existing systems. We work with our clients to ensure that the system is appropriately sized for current and future needs, that the dispersal area is properly graded to the landscape, and that the correct mechanisms are in place to ensure that wastewater does not harm the soil, drinking water, or the surrounding environment.
Our design solutions are as unique as the sites themselves, and we have designed decentralized treatment units and individual advanced treatment systems, including moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBRs), sequencing bioreactors (SBRs), dispersal systems including engineered soils with pressure distribution, drip dispersal or conventional stone in trench systems, and individual on-site advanced treatment systems (that often include treatment to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus in the discharge). Further protecting our client’s investments, we ensure that the chosen solution is mindful of energy costs and maintenance requirements.