Watershed Management Planning

Establishing, restoring, and maintaining healthy watersheds and watercourses has been a priority for Fuss & O’Neill for decades. We work with watershed organizations, municipalities, and state agencies on watershed and water quality projects throughout the Northeast to restore impaired waters, to protect healthy watersheds and public drinking water supplies, and to enhance the resilience of watershed communities to flooding and climate hazards.
Fuss & O’Neill has developed numerous EPA Nine Elements Watershed Based Plans and has extensive experience with all aspects of the watershed planning process, including assessment of the contributing causes and sources of nonpoint source pollution, engagement of key stakeholders, and prioritization of restoration and protection strategies to address water quality problems.
Fuss & O’Neill uses a stakeholder-driven approach to identify practical planning recommendations and to implement projects with strong local support. Our staff emphasizes the use of nature-based approaches (green stormwater infrastructure, ecological restoration, riparian corridor and floodplain restoration, land conservation, etc.) to enhance water quality, resilience, ecology, and communities. We work with our clients to produce high-quality planning documents that are comprehensive and understandable by general audiences.