Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Fuss & O’Neill has been at the forefront of implementing green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) solutions to address water quality, flood resilience, and other wet weather issues for more than 40 years. We are experienced in adapting GSI designs for a range of site conditions and settings throughout the Northeast and for all phases of project implementation, including initial siting and selection, design, permitting, bidding, and construction oversight.
Fuss & O’Neill has authored stormwater management design manuals for state agencies and municipalities that encompass the full range of stormwater control measures. We look to identify GSI solutions that provide other community benefits, such as shade for increased resilience to extreme heat, enhancements to existing public and recreational spaces (e.g., parklets and multi-use paths), carbon reduction, improved air quality, as well as streetscape and site improvements that can have a positive impact on neighborhoods and businesses. Our GSI designs are often part of an overall community resilience strategy or watershed-based framework, and we partner with our clients to identify grant funding and financing for GSI implementation.