Environmental Impact Assessment

Fuss & O’Neill helps our clients successfully navigate the environmental process and obtain National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and state approvals. Our experienced staff provides comprehensive environmental impact assessment and documentation services, including evaluating existing conditions, assessing impacts, identifying mitigation, and determining cumulative and secondary impacts.
Fuss & O’Neill has experience preparing NEPA Categorical Exclusions (CE), Environmental Assessments (EA) and Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI), as well as Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and associated documentation, including the Section 106 process when historical or archaeological resources are involved.
As a multidisciplinary firm, we provide the full suite of services that are typically required for preparation of an environmental impact assessment document, including traffic impact analysis, infrastructure capacity assessment, stormwater and water resources assessment, and natural resource assessments. We stay abreast of new and emerging NEPA requirements, such as guidance for consideration of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, and accessibility guidelines under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.