
View of that streetscape with roadway, sidewalk, and plantings

Vibrant, walkable streetscapes improve safety, promote economic opportunities, and improve community aesthetics. Fuss & O’Neill’s landscape architects and planners collaborate with our traffic and transportation engineers to design and implement multimodal and decorative enhancements that improve the user experience.

When our landscape architects and planners first envision a built streetscape, they consider community needs, the individuality of the space, and how to maximize our client’s investments. Thoughtfully designed streetscapes offer multiple project co-benefits, including stormwater management, re-use of existing materials, heat island mitigation, and reduced maintenance costs.

Our team seeks opportunities to blend these additional benefits into our clients’ planned projects. The result is a design that is reflective of the community, encourages private investment, and creates a safe, multimodal neighborhood.

Our Areas of Expertise Include:

  • Complete Streets Design
  • Crosswalk Improvements
  • Furniture Selection
  • Low-impact Design
  • On-street Parking
  • Ornamental Lighting
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Amenities
  • Pocket Parks
  • Rain Gardens
  • Safety Improvements
  • Sidewalk Treatments
  • Signal Hardware
  • Urban Forestry Planning and Design
  • Wayfinding

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