Nature-based Solutions

Fuss & O’Neill has long been an advocate for, and implementer of, nature-based solutions to manage stormwater, to mitigate heat island effects, to improve ecological health, and to enhance quality of life. Natural systems and nature-based features are resilient and can adapt to changes and risks, while also bringing additional critical benefits of enhancing communities and restoring natural systems.
As long-term developers of nature-based solutions, the Fuss & O’Neill team leverages this approach to both solve our clients’ challenges and to identify cost-savings opportunities. Nature-based solutions can be substantially less costly than conventional systems designed to manage flooding as they largely require grading and vegetative stabilization as compared to concrete and steel.
These solutions add value as they often require substantially less maintenance, can significantly reduce capital and maintenance costs, and can be integrated into planned projects to multiply project co-benefits (e.g., green space creation, habitat improvement, and lowering surface and air temperatures). We have a strong portfolio of successful projects that demonstrate our ability to deliver practical and effective solutions. We have proven experience finding creative funding avenues for these projects, acting as our clients’ trusted advisor and ensuring project execution.