Pre-development Site Assessment and Feasibility Studies

Fuss & O’Neill’s site/civil engineers help determine a site’s constraints, challenges, and benefits by looking closely at current and future site needs, accounting for climate impacts, identifying existing and/or necessary infrastructure and utilities, considering access and egress, evaluating grading and drainage, understanding permitting and zoning regulations, and always factoring in a client’s purpose.
A site’s ultimate function greatly benefits from accurate data and detailed analysis before design begins. Fuss & O’Neill’s site/civil engineers deliver site details to make informed decisions early in the development process so that a project can be built on an appropriate site and without interruption to schedule and budget. We routinely perform test fits, either considering the size and shape of a building’s footprint and testing it on the land or parceling a large tract of land to determine the number of structures it can support while accounting for future roads and utilities. In some cases, site constraints become special features (e.g., lack of utility connection could lend itself to alternative energy sources or a site with drainage problems could benefit from green infrastructure). Sometimes, after careful consideration, the best advice we can give our clients is to not invest in a particular site and help them find one that best fits their needs. We will achieve our clients’ goals and we always act in their best interests.