Fuss & O’Neill has been serving the Town of Groton, CT as a trusted advisor since the mid-1990s through a succession of on-call services agreements.
Our initial wastewater assignment was for the preparation of a Facility Plan, which was completed in 1995. This blossomed into a significant wastewater treatment plant upgrade utilizing the State of Connecticut’s Clean Water Funding, which facilitated completion of a $20M improvement to the treatment plant.
The wastewater treatment plant upgrade project went through several design iterations to maximize the grant amount within the overall funding authorization. This was accomplished by including nutrient removal using an innovative technology, the integrated fixed film activated sludge (IFAS) process. This enhanced the treatment plant’s capacity given the limited footprint on the existing site.
Capital Improvements Projects Under Our On-call Contract
- replacement of the secondary clarifier equipment in the existing circular clarifier No. 2
- adding a second generator for backup power for the services that power the treatment plant
- improvements to the effluent force main air release valves and vaults
- upgrades to the effluent pump station, including pumps, piping, valves, sluice gates, and building improvements
- relocation of the service equipment to above the 100-year floodplain
- relocation and improvements to the control room for the WWTP
- SCADA modifications and upgrades to various processes
- design of improvements to primary clarifier No. 1
- upgrading the gravity thickener tanks and equipment
- evaluation and recommendations for the handling and disposal of sludge from the WWTP conversion of the
- existing disinfection system to ultraviolet disinfection
- aiding the Town in the submission of an update to their NDPDES permit applications
- infiltration/inflow study in the northwest section of the collection system to identify and mitigate infiltration