Turnkey Landfill Expansion Relocations and Site Preparation

To allow for the horizontal expansion of the TLR-III Refuse Disposal Facility, Waste Management of New Hampshire (WMNH) needed to relocate an existing road and other features that were within the expansion area footprint.
Rochester Neck Road is a vital connector route between the cities of Rochester and Dover, with heavy industrial and commuter traffic use, and the site is located near the Isinglass River. Approximately three quarters of a mile of the road needed to be relocated up to 900 feet away from the existing road alignment to provide the area needed for the landfill’s expansion.
WMNH hired Fuss & O’Neill to provide multidisciplinary services (site/civil engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, and construction management) to complete this project.
Completion of this project will create an additional 10 years of landfill air space for WMNH.
Fuss & O’Neill designed the new Rochester Neck Road alignment to meet City regulations and New Hampshire Department of Transportation design standards.
Our transportation design included the need for a protective guardrail through a majority of the road’s length due to steep side slopes and sight distance analysis for driveways and parking areas. This large project area required installation of more than 3,700 tons of bituminous pavement.
This project included extensive site-wide drainage improvements, and our site/civil team provided erosion and sedimentation controls to protect adjacent wetlands and waterways, as well as dewatering and consolidation of subgrade materials via wick drains.
Our geotechnical engineers evaluated subsurface materials conditions to facilitate the design of a pavement section that would meet current and future traffic loading requirements.
Our team coordinated with the City of Rochester throughout the design process to ensure that their input was included and that their design requirements were met. Coordination with public utility companies was another important aspect of the project, as multiple utility poles and their overhead wiring needed to be relocated to the new road alignment.
We also coordinated with other consultants who provided design services to WMNH for two other critical components of this project. WMNH’s resident drop-off facility needed to be relocated as the existing facility was within the new roadway alignment. The South Area Site Preparation Project provided fill materials for the road relocation as well as preparing the area for WMNH’s landfill expansion. More than 250,000 cubic yards of fill material was excavated and placed for the South Area Site Preparation Project’s load berm, ponds, and other site features.
Fuss & O’Neill provided Construction Quality Assurance services to WMNH for the construction of the relocated Rochester Neck Road, the relocated resident drop-off facility, and the South Area Site Preparation Project to allow WMNH to begin their landfill expansion.
Our staff provided full-time construction inspection, monitoring, project management, and project administration. Due to the large fill volumes for some areas of the project, compaction testing was needed multiple times throughout the day to allow the contractor to continue their operations and maintain their schedule. Our trained field staff performed compaction testing with our own Troxler density gauge, which provided a method to complete this testing that was cost-effective for the client. More than 120,000 cubic yards of fill material for roadway subgrade and more than 10,000 cubic yards of roadway subbase material were placed, graded, and compacted for the relocated Rochester Neck Road construction.