Scattered Sites HUD Lead Reduction Project

Fuss & O’Neill is providing lead-based paint consulting services, asbestos project monitoring, and mold remediation oversite at public housing in New Haven, CT. This project is being funded by a grant awarded to the Housing Authority of New Haven/Elm City Communities from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to evaluate and reduce lead-based paint hazards.
Funding for this project allowed for the completion of lead-based paint projects and for the redesign of lead removal. The funding covered inspection, testing, design, interim controls, lead abatement, replacement and restorative construction, environmental monitoring, and tenant relocation costs.
Fuss & O’Neill conducted comprehensive lead inspections and risk assessments at 41 units located at 30 properties.
In accordance with HUD and Connecticut Department of Public Health regulations for lead poisoning prevention and control, Fuss & O’Neill prepared Lead Abatement Plans for child-occupied units. The abatement plans addressed abatement of lead hazards identified within the interior of all child-occupied apartment units and common areas, as well as all exterior LBP surfaces.
Fuss & O’Neill conducted a limited inspection for suspect asbestos-containing materials to potentially be impacted by lead remediation that had not been previously sampled. The inspection was conducted to meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) definition of a thorough inspection.