Route 5 Water and Sewer Improvements

Fuss & O’Neill provided design and bidding services for a water main replacement and sewer rehabilitation project along Longmeadow Street (Route 5), Converse Street, Llewellyn Street, Laurel Street, and Forest Glen Road in Longmeadow, MA.
These water and sewer improvements are to be constructed ahead of planned Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) roadway improvement project, which is being design by Fuss & O’Neill’s Transportation Department.
Longmeadow is a Springfield Water and Sewer Commission (SWSC) customer, and the Town’s distribution system is interconnected with SWSC along Forest Glen Road at the Town’s Water Pumping Station and at Columbus Avenue.
The water main design required significant coordination with SWSC and consideration of construction phasing at the Commission’s interconnections in order to replace the existing water mains and to reduce temporary water bypass required during construction. The project design includes a new 16-inch water main along Forest Glen Road, providing a redundant backbone for Longmeadow’s transmission and distribution system.
The water main design included the replacement of 10,000 linear feet of water main ranging in size from 8 inches to 16 inches, as well as replacement of associated hydrants, valves, and appurtenances.
The sewer rehabilitation design included the cleaning and CCTV inspection of more than 9,000 linear feet of sewer main and inspection of 40 manholes within the project area to evaluate the structural condition and determine the need for rehabilitation.
The final design included the rehabilitation of 5,000 linear feet of sewer main using cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) structural lining, four excavated point repairs to replace portions of the sewer, and the rehabilitation of 23 sewer manholes with a cementitious liner.
During the design process, Fuss & O’Neill was asked to propose new water main alignments that did not conflict with the proposed MassDOT roadway and drainage improvements, countless large diameter mature trees within the project limits, and a concrete subbase within Longmeadow Street. The development of construction phasing/sequencing was critical due to the amount of traffic congestion along these roadways, the desire to limit the amount of temporary water main bypass to residents, and the need to keep the existing water mains in service during construction.
The Town has retained Fuss & O’Neill to provide full-time construction administration and resident engineering services for this project. We will be the Town’s representative for construction oversight, recordkeeping, and contractor compliance with contract documents.
Fuss & O’Neill will provide a full-time resident engineer for the entirety of construction over two seasons.
The resident engineer will be responsible for water main installation and sewer rehabilitation oversight and observation of the contractor’s work. They will review and approve contractor submittals, meet with Town staff and the Contractor regularly regarding construction progress, and prepare all record drawings (service tie cards and as-built plans) upon completion of construction.
The construction of this project will provide the Town of Longmeadow with a completely renewed water system and increased operability, as well as a renewed sewer collection system.