OSHA Voluntary Protection Program Technical Support

The T. Marzetti Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Lancaster Colony Corporation. One of the T. Marzetti Company’s retail brands, Chatham Village, required assistance with plant combustible dust conditions.
T. Marzetti/Chatham Village applied for and was poised for recognition as a Star Site by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). “Star” recognition is given by OSHA to employers and employees who demonstrate exemplary achievement in the prevention and control of occupational safety and health hazards the development, implementation and continuous improvement of their safety and health management system. “Star” recognition is part of OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program (VPP), which promotes effective worksite-based safety and health.
Before authorizing “Star” status, OSHA personnel had concerns about the site’s fulfillment of its analysis of combustible dusts conditions. T. Marzetti/Chatham Village searched the internal network of VPP Star companies and Fuss & O’Neill Manufacturing Solutions, LLC was recommended to perform a detailed Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) to the level representative of a VPP Star-level company.
The DHA was focused on three specific production areas of the plant: flour offloading and storage, bakery, and seasoning (areas where dry solid combustible materials are being handled, processed, or otherwise generated).
The DHA scope was primarily focused on equipment hazards, but also included life safety and personnel protection. The DHA followed the criteria established by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in NFPA 61 (“Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions in Agricultural and Food Processing Facilities” and NFPA 652 (“Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust”).
Our analytical report included a description of each area of the plant covered by the DHA, an equipment assessment, summary of observations made, and recommendations for improving process safety and preventing/mitigating combustible particulate hazards including fires, flash fires, and explosions.
Marzetti/Chatham Village implemented a series of engineering controls and work procedures, and they conducted employee training to address findings and recommendations presented in the DHA.
Five months after the DHA was performed,
T. Marzetti/Chatham Village was recommended and received Star Recognition by OSHA.