NEVI Program Implementation

Fuss & O’Neill is supporting the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) in the implementation of Connecticut’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program through a multi-year master services agreement for resilience and sustainability services.
As a new funding program, NEVI implementation is a first-of-its kind project. Fuss & O’Neill utilized our ability and experience in several areas ranging from stakeholder engagement to electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure feasibility assessment, to apply that knowledge in this new situation to support the CTDOT.
This Program is critical to the development of nationwide EV infrastructure, which is a critical component to the U.S. goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050, including reducing emissions from transportation. Additionally, regarding the potential climate and air quality benefits of EVs, the NEVI Program is specifically intended to provide reliable, convenient, and equitable access to EV charging.
The CTDOT is in Phase 1 of the program, and Fuss & O’Neill is helping the Department achieve the goal of strategic deployment of Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) in priority zones along the state’s Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs).
The Fuss & O’Neill team prepared the request for proposals for the first round of the CTDOT’s NEVI Program funding, and assisted CTDOT in evaluation of proposals received for the approximately $15 million pool of Phase 1 funding. The evaluation was supported by our environmental engineers, electrical engineers, and environmental planning staff, and included consideration of compliance with the NEVI Standards and Requirements listed in 23 CFR Part 680, site readiness, and engineering feasibility.
The Fuss & O’Neill team was selected for this because of our experience with the design and installation of electrical vehicle charging infrastructure; our ability to assess risks or constraints associated with a site due to natural resources or the built environment; and our ability to assess if the proposed project would not be expected to result in significant environmental impacts and can be processed with a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Categorical Exclusion (CE) pursuant to 23 CFR 771.117(c) and 23 CFR 771.117(d).
In addition to the technical elements of the project, Fuss & O’Neill supported the development and implementation of a robust, multi-prong public engagement plan to complement the NEVI Program. Working closely with CTDOT, the Fuss & O’Neill team created and deployed a stakeholder survey, and we provided analysis of the survey results to inform future phases of the NEVI Program within Connecticut.
Other engagement methods included targeted stakeholder listening sessions, social media posts, and development of standardized presentations. The engagement strategy focused on reaching disadvantaged communities (DACs) and leveraging existing organizations that were trusted partners in DAC communities to advance an EV charging network that is accessible and equitable.
Additionally, Fuss & O’Neill supported the CTDOT in the 2024 update to the NEVI Plan, Connecticut’s Charging Ahead Plan: A Strategy to Expand Public Electric Vehicle Charging. This includes updates to the Plan regarding existing EV infrastructure, deployment of new EV charging infrastructure, contracting under the NEVI Program, equity considerations, and public engagement (including a description of community outcomes and public and tribal engagement).