Safety Improvements on Connecticut Expressways – Combatting Wrong Way Driving

Wrong way driving crashes on Connecticut’s expressways almost always result in fatalities and/or serious injuries. As Connecticut news outlets have been reporting, there appears to be an uptick of these types of crashes.
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) has initiated a program to combat these serious incidents and has hired Fuss & O’Neill to assist them. To address this problem, cameras will be used to detect wrong way vehicles on ramps. The camera activates a bright spotlight and flashing lights on wrong way signs to alert the driver of their error. Then, both the Connecticut State Police and the CTDOT’s Incident Management centers are notified of the event.
This video shows the testing of a recently installed system.
Fuss & O’Neill has designed 32 locations in the Harford/Central Connecticut area and has overseen the design of 36 locations in the Hartford area and the eastern part of the state.
These systems are expected to be installed in the fall of 2024. We are also overseeing the design of 45 location in the western and southwestern parts of the state. All the ramps selected have been identified as high-risk locations based on certain criteria.
The systems currently installed have already proven themselves to be effective. The video below shows a driver in Southington activating the system and self-correcting, avoiding a crash on the interstate. This is potentially life-saving technology and I’m proud that Fuss & O’Neill is part of these safety improvements.
Wrong way activating the system and self-correcting, avoiding a crash on the interstate
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