King Street Corridor Improvements

King street aerial view

Fuss & O’Neill provided design services for intersection realignment and signal coordination along King, Summer, and North Streets in Northampton. This project improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities, enhanced safety, and alleviated traffic congestion.

We were a project partner from preliminary design through construction on this transformative project.

Public Outreach

Coordination with stakeholders and community outreach were vital components of establishing project support for this MassDOT corridor improvement project. Public outreach occurred early in the design as part of the MassDOT Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) process. Residents provided critical feedback on this heavily congested corridor during rush hour.

King street intersection view with bike lane
Kaneb street aerial view of bike lane

Complete Streets Design

This corridor incorporates all elements of complete streets design, such as a separated bicycle track and wider sidewalks. The corridor now boasts benches, bicycles racks, and a place for a local artists to display their creations.

Low-impact development stormwater techniques (e.g., on-street rain gardens and tree box filters) were included in the design and provide educational opportunities to understand stormwater re-use.

King street aerial view


The design corrected offset intersection geometry and coordinated adjacent signals for through-traffic progression. The improvements provide an extension of the downtown district, include complete streets techniques, and implement a road diet, which allows room for a separated bike lane that connects to the Northampton Bikeway.

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