Citywide Signal Upgrade System Phases

Overhead view of large intersection with signals and crosswalks

Fuss & O’Neill has been responsible for design of signals, communication, and operations center planning and design for more than a decade of traffic signal equipment modernization in the City of Stamford. .

Busy intersection with people crossing at crosswalk and a red stop signal

These systems are comprised of more than 200 traffic signals and are constructed using a multi-year capital program funded through a diverse set of city, state, and federal programs

Large intersection with painted crosswalks

Multi-phased Approach

Phases D, E, F, and G included equipment replacements to provide emergency vehicle pre-emption, LED traffic signals, video detection, accessible pedestrian signal detection, and CCTV surveillance installations. All of the intersections were interconnected to the City’s Operations Center.

Intersection with signal and no turn on red sign

The design work involved extensive field and equipment investigations of more than 70 traffic signal locations, as well as design development of the traffic signal system plans and contract documents. We assisted the City in securing CMAQ funding; planning for communications interconnect; coordination with utility companies for fiber optics and pole relocation; recommendations for intersection improvements; and preparation of bid and contract documents.

Under the most recent phases of signal projects, the focus has been on upgrading pedestrian amenities at all locations to meet the latest standards and to provide equitable accessibility in all communities throughout the City. Phase H is ongoing continuation of these services.

Someone standing next to a crosswalk signal taking notes on a clipboard


Services under this contract consisted of a comprehensive inventory data collection for each intersection, including roadway geometry, traffic control devices, traffic volume and accident data, intersection analysis, and system timing optimization along each corridor. At the completion of final design, Fuss & O’Neill performed inspection services, including review of each intersection with respect to plan and specification conformance, review of fiber optic tests and installation, system integration, and fine-tuning coordination timing plans in the field.

Busy intersection with people crossing the road at a crosswalk

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